FirstSite vs WordPress

FirstSite and Wordpress Side by Side comparison

Wordpress sites require technical optimization and updates whenever Google updates their algorithm. As a result, according to a recent study, only 46.1% of WordPress websites receive organic traffic. On the other hand, 90% of FirstSite Builder-built websites rank first page in their niche, including competitive terms.

FirstSite WordPress
Build Time 2 days 👍 ~2 weeks depending on how good your developer is. 😔
Design Fees The platform is drag and drop. No technical skills required.👍 '000s of $$$. 😔
New Designs + Unlimited Redesigns Included 👍 Additional Charge 😔
Google Search Optimisation Platform built to include Google's recommended practices for speed, security, Lighthouse, and SEO.👍 Additional Plugins and Charge. Results depend on the skills of your developer 😔
Maintenance & Upgrades Included 👍 Additional Charge 😔
User Experience Personalisation Included 👍 Additional Plugins and Charge 😔
SSL Included 👍 Additional Charge 😔

*Comparison done on comparable 10 page websites.

Whether you are an individual designer or an agency, you can now beat the competition by having an enterprise grade Google optimized site builder. Save on Adobe XD licensing or hiring Wordpress developers to implement your web projects. Using FirstSite you can collaboratively design your web projects with multiple stakeholders. Designers on FirstSite are able to deploy projects faster and at a lower cost with better SEO performance.

Need to create a site for short term marketing campaigns? You can reuse your FirstSite instance after the campaign is done at no additional cost.

We provide agencies with a centralized dashboard for all projects that they manage at no additional costs. Get in touch with us to find out more.

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